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06 Jun 2024 | 06:15 PM UTC

Israel: Rocket attack damages mall in Kiryat Shmona June 6

Hizballah-launched rocket damages shopping mall in Kiryat Shmona, Israel, June 6, amid escalating tensions.


A rocket fire launched from Lebanon impacted a shopping mall in Kiryat Shmona, Israel, late June 6. The projectile reportedly did not cause any injuries but shattered the windows of the shopping center. The rocket attack comes a day after Lebanese Hizballah (LH) launched multiple drones, wounding at least 11 people in the northern Israeli town of Hurfeish on June 5.

Heightened security measures and localized transport disruptions are likely near the impact area over the coming hours. Additional attacks targeting military installations and critical infrastructure sites cannot be ruled out.

Avoid the vicinity of the affected location until authorities have completely secured the area and given the all-clear. Heed the instructions of local security personnel. If incoming fire is reported in the general vicinity, stay indoors, away from windows and exterior walls. If possible, move to the ground floor or basement. Maintain contact with your country's diplomatic mission.

The Israeli government has convened multiple meetings in recent days to decide on a strategy in response to LH’s daily missile, drone, and rocket attacks. The LH asserts that its attacks are to demonstrate solidarity with the Hamas militant organization and that it will continue its cross-border attacks until there is a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Despite both sides claiming that they do not seek escalation, the risk of miscalculation grows as attacks and counterattacks intensify.