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17 Jun 2024 | 02:43 PM UTC

Ukraine: Emergency crews responding to military strike in Poltava June 17

Emergency crews responding to military strike in Poltava, Ukraine, June 17; at least 12 wounded, electrical outages reported.


Authorities are responding to a Russian military strike in Poltava on June 17. The blast injured at least 12 people. The reported casualties may rise as emergency services respond to the strike. Reportedly, the explosion also damaged local energy infrastructure, leaving at least 55,000 homes without power. Authorities did not immediately disclose the strike's precise location.

Heightened security measures will likely be in place around the impact site over the coming hours. Localized ground transport and business disruptions are probable in the aftermath of the attack. Temporary commercial and communications disruptions, including cellular services, are possible during power outages. Traffic disruptions may occur in some areas due to malfunctioning traffic signals.

Avoid impact sites until authorities give the all-clear. Shelter in place if fighting or airstrikes occur in the area. Stay away from windows and exterior walls if officials report incoming projectile fire. Follow the instructions of local security personnel, especially when instructed to seek refuge in air-raid shelters. Maintain contact with diplomatic representations. Do not approach suspected unexploded ordnance.

Charge all communication and portable electronic devices when possible. Unplug electronic equipment that is not connected to surge protectors. Exercise caution when driving in areas that have experienced power outages. Confirm business appointments during any blackouts. Make allowances for possible supply chain disruptions.