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03 Jul 2024 | 08:33 AM UTC

Cameroon: Separatist activism likely to continue in Southwest and Northwest regions through at least late 2024 /update 3

Separatist activism likely to continue in the Southwest and Northwest regions of Cameroon through late 2024.


Separatist activism is likely to continue in the Southwest and Northwest regions of Cameroon through at least mid-2024. The threat of violence mostly comes from various armed groups that continue to call for secession, impose lockdowns on local communities, checkpoints along roads, and regularly clash with local security forces. Humanitarian reports estimate that more than 6,000 civilians have died, and hundreds of thousands have been displaced due to armed forces and separatist-linked violence since late 2016.

Security-related operations are ongoing. Checkpoints and searches of vehicles and personnel are likely, particularly outside major cities such as Buea (Southwest) and Bamenda (Northwest). Authorities may enact temporary security measures such as curfews and telecommunication restrictions without notice in the event of significant violence or unrest. Separatists are likely to conduct further attacks and kidnappings and may call for additional lockdowns or other movement or business restrictive measures.

Exercise a high degree of vigilance due to the threat of attacks and kidnappings. If operating in the area over the long term, do not discuss plans or travel routes publicly, vary routes and times of travel, and ensure the use of secure transport. Heed the directives of local authorities. Maintain contact with diplomatic representations.

The situation has remained tense since October 2017, when secessionists unilaterally proclaimed the independence of the so-called state of Ambazonia, which is unrecognized internationally. Various armed groups operate in the region, such as the Ambazonia Defence Forces (ADF), which is also plagued by banditry and other criminal activities.

Security forces frequently skirmish with Ambazonia secessionist militants (also called "Amba boys"), regularly leading to casualties. Separatists have carried out ambushes targeting security forces and government officials involving improvised explosive devices. Militant abuses, including kidnappings and killings, against the local population also occur. Militants often issue lockdowns (also known as stay-at-home orders or "ghost cities"); residents who do not comply may face intimidation and violence.

While many kidnappings go unreported, it is estimated that dozens to hundreds of people are kidnapped each year in both Northwest and Southwest regions. Targets notably include prominent members of civil society, politicians, security forces, teachers, and priests, among others. Militants may target foreign nationals due to their perceived worth in the event of a ransom demand. High-profile individuals have been kidnapped in recent years, including a senator and her driver, who were seized by ADF militants in Bamenda in 2022 and later released during a military operation. The Bakassi Peninsula (officially part of Cameroon) also hosts many oil-related operations attracting criminals and militants who seek to kidnap oil workers, aiming for a higher ransom.