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03 Jul 2024 | 02:40 AM UTC

India: BJP to protest outside Chief Minister's residence in Bengaluru, Karnataka State, July 3

BJP calls for rally outside Chief Minister's residence in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, July 3. Tight security likely; disruptions possible.


The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has called for a protest in Bengaluru, Karnataka State, July 3 to demand the resignation of the chief minister over the alleged mishandling of tribal funds. Participants will gather at Kumara Krupa Guest House from 09:30 before heading to the Chief Minister's Residence. Hundreds to thousands of people could attend the gathering.

Authorities will likely increase security measures around the protest site, including erecting security barricades. Security personnel could use force, including baton charges and tear gas, to disperse unruly crowds. Localized transport disruptions are possible, mainly if demonstrators occupy or march on nearby roads. Minor scuffles may occur between BJP supporters and police, especially if activists breach security cordons or defy orders to disperse.

Avoid the protest as a precaution. Depart the area at the first sign of any security disturbance. Use alternative routes to circumvent protest sites; remain cooperative if stopped by officials for security checks. Do not navigate roadblocks as a safety precaution. Heed all official transport and security advisories.