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11 Jul 2024 | 08:41 PM UTC

Niger: Authorities increase security, impose curfew in Tillaberi urban municipality following prison break July 11

Increased security, curfew imposed in Tillaberi municipality, Niger, following July 11 prison break.


Authorities will likely maintain a heightened security posture in Niger's Tillaberi region over the coming days following a prison break that occurred on July 11 at the Koutoukale detention center. While details of the incident remain limited, preliminary reports indicate that an unknown number of inmates staged a mutiny and escaped. The detention center is located approximately 40 km (25 mi) northwest of Niamey.

The Ministry of the Interior has place local security forces on alert and ordered heightened vigilance. Although the Ministry has released not details concerning specific measures it may take or operations it may launch, security forces will almost certainly establish checkpoints, increase patrols, and stage search operations in their effort to recapture the escapees.

Officials have imposed a curfew throughout Tillaberi urban municipality starting at 21:00 July 11. Although authorities did not specify the reason for the measure, it likely comes as part of the response to the prison break. The curfew restricts all movement of pedestrians, bicycles, and motor vehicles. It remains unclear when the curfew will be lifted; authorities have not announced precise curfew hours.

Further security measures may be enacted with little to no warning. Transport and business disruptions are likely until the security operation ends. Local groups could stage protests against the curfew, especially if the restriction remains in effect for an extended period of time.

Exercise increased vigilance if operating in Tillaberi and surrounding areas over the coming days. Strictly heed all official directives, including the terms of the curfew order. Always carry proper identification; be polite and nonconfrontational if stopped at a security checkpoint. Allow sufficient time to reach your destination before the start of the nightly curfew period.