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16 Jul 2024 | 04:33 PM UTC

Peru: Doctors plan 48-hour nationwide strike from July 17-18

Doctors to strike across Peru from July 17- 18. Associated medical disruptions are likely; confirm all medical appointments.


Doctors from the Peruvian Medical Federation (Federacion Medica Peruana) have called for a 48-hour nationwide strike from July 17-18. The action will primarily demand improved budgeting, among other requests. Associated protests may occur near hospitals, government ministries, and public squares.

Disruptions to medical appointments and nonemergency medical services are likely. Police will likely deploy additional personnel to monitor the actions, should they occur. Localized transit disruptions are likely in proximity to any protests that materialize.

Avoid all protest sites as a precaution. Confirm all medical appointments in advance. Comply with all government directives. Plan for localized transit disruptions.