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24 Jul 2024 | 12:14 PM UTC

Peru: Fishers strike July 24-25, plan march July 25 in Piura

Fishers to strike July 24-25, plan to march on July 25 in Piura, Peru, to denounce illegal fishing. Localized disruptions likely.


Fishers from Paita, La Tortuga, and La Islilla affiliated with several organizations, including the National Society of Artisanal Fishing (Sociedad Nacional de Pesca Artesanal, SONAPESCAL), plan to strike July 24-25 and march to Piura's Regional Government building on July 25. The purpose of the strike and protest is to demand action from the government to stop alleged illegal foreign fishing activity on the country's northern coast. Organizers did not specify march routes or times for the protest. Protesters may also gather outside government buildings, main plazas, and thoroughfares during the strike.

Police will likely deploy to monitor gatherings. Localized transport disruptions are likely near demonstrations. Protests are likely to remain peaceful, but skirmishes between protesters and police cannot be ruled out.

As a standard precaution, avoid all protests. Consider avoiding the affected area to minimize disruptions. Heed the instructions of officials.