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24 Aug 2024 | 01:01 PM UTC

Nigeria: Kidnapped medical students released in Benue State as of Aug. 24 /update 1

Officials announced on Aug. 24 the release of 20 students kidnapped in Benue State, Nigeria, Aug. 15.


Officials announced on Aug. 24 that 20 medical students kidnapped in the Otukpo area, Benue State, on Aug. 15, had been released. The release reportedly occurred in the Ntunkon forest on Aug. 23. The victims were traveling towards Enugu for a medical convention when they were abducted. Media reports indicate that abductors had contacted families and asked for a N50 million ransom. No ransom was paid.

Consult local security partners on the viability of traveling in Benue State. Remain courteous and cooperative if approached and questioned by security personnel. Do not discuss plans and routes publicly. If operating in the area in the long term, vary routes and times of travel and ensure the use of secure transport. Maintain contact with diplomatic representations.

Most kidnappings in Nigeria are financially motivated and conducted by criminal groups of varying levels of sophistication. The threat is particularly acute in the northwest. No area of the country can be considered immune to the kidnapping risk.