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22 Aug 2024 | 04:49 PM UTC

South Africa: Protesters disrupting traffic along M5 in southern Cape Town, Aug. 22

Protesters disrupting traffic along M5 in Cape Town, South Africa, Aug. 22. Delays occurring in Retreat, Grassy Park, Steenberg areas.


Transport disruptions are occurring on the south side of Cape Town during the evening of Aug. 22 due to ongoing protests. Demonstrators reportedly began blocking Military Road at the intersection with the M5 motorway early in the day; related traffic disruptions have spread through parts of the Retreat, Grassy Park, and Steenberg areas of the city. The reason for the gathering remains unclear; however, there have as yet been no reports of violence.

Increased security is likely in the affected area over the coming hours. Transport disruptions could continue for several hours after the gathering ends, especially along the nearby M3/M4 highways. Further protests remain possible in the coming days. Clashes between protesters and the police may occur if demonstrators ignore police orders to disperse or engage in acts of public violence.

Avoid all protests as a standard precaution. Do not attempt to drive through demonstrator roadblocks; wait for police to clear them before proceeding. Heed the directives of the local authorities and monitor local media for updates as protests can occur on short notice. Consider alternative routes around the impact areas. Reconfirm the status of routes in the hours preceding travel. Reconfirm public transport routes and schedules for the affected areas.