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11 Sep 2024 | 12:58 PM UTC

Hungary: Farmers to conduct tractor convoy demonstration from Asotthalom to Szeged Sept. 14

Farmers plan protest convoy from Asotthalom to Szeged, Hungary, from 14:00 Sept. 14. Transport disruptions likely; E75 disruptions possible.


Farmers associated with the Out Homeland Movement (Mi Hazank Mozgalom) plan to conduct a tractor convoy protest from Asotthalom to Szeged from 14:00 on Sept. 14. The purpose of the demonstration is to demand government assistance related to water management. Participants will gather at the Mayor's Office on Szent Istvan Ter in Asotthalom at 14:00 before driving to the Government Office on Rakoczi Ter in Szeged, where they plan to arrive at 16:00. It remains unclear how many participants may attend.

Heightened security and transport disruptions are likely at the gathering sites in Asotthalom and Szeged as well as along the procession route. Demonstrators may disrupt traffic on the E75 (M5) highway. Confrontations between protesters and law enforcement officers, frustrated motorists, or ideologically opposed individuals cannot be ruled out.

Avoid affected areas as a standard precaution. Allow additional time if traveling near the protest sites or convoy route. Allow additional time if traveling via the E75 (M5), including for vehicular travel between Hungary and Serbia. Strictly heed all instructions from law enforcement officers. Immediately depart the area at the first sign that any security disturbance may occur.