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04 Sep 2024 | 11:29 AM UTC

Pakistan: Increased security likely near Assembly Chowk in Peshawar following clashes Sept. 4

Increased security likely near Assembly Chowk in Peshawar, Pakistan, following clashes Sept. 4. Disruptions likely. Avoid the area.


Authorities will likely maintain increased security around the Assembly Chowk area of Peshawar in the coming hours after clashes broke out between protestors from local government representatives and police on Sept. 4. The incident began after the demonstrators blocked Khyber Road and broke through the red zone gate, with authorities responding with tear gas and water cannons. The protestors were demanding greater distribution of government funds. Details about any casualties resulting from the clashes remain unclear.

Authorities will likely maintain increased security, including checkpoints and inspections, around the area to prevent further clashes. Associated transport disruptions are likely as police may inspect incoming vehicles. Associated business disruptions are possible. Additional protests and clashes cannot be ruled out.

Avoid the affected area until security forces give the all-clear. Confirm road status and travel reservations if operating near the affected area. Carry valid identification and remain non-confrontational if approached at checkpoints. Heed instructions from authorities.