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Case Study

A Voyage Interrupted: Navigating a Medical Emergency at Sea

17 Jun 2024

A Voyage Interrupted: Navigating a Medical Emergency at Sea

Situational Awareness

An 81-year-old passenger embarked on a "bucket list" trip to Antarctica with his wife, sailing on a luxury cruise ship from the Falklands to South Georgia Island and then on to Antarctica. Four days into the journey and two days away from South Georgia, the passenger experienced sudden weakness on one side of his body and difficulty speaking, classic symptoms of a stroke.

Crisis24 in Action: Providing End-to-End Medical Case Management

Onset of a Medical Crisis

The remote location of the vessel presented a significant challenge, as the cruise ship had an onboard physician but limited medical resources. The cruise physician promptly assessed the individual’s condition, recognized the symptoms, and initiated emergency management, while Crisis24 assessed the situation, working with the ship’s captain to choose the best course of action for our client.

Throughout every step, Crisis24 worked in tandem with key personnel. From initial notification via our 24-hour emergency assistance hotline, Crisis24’s Medical Director, private client team, and external aeromedical advisors consulted with the client, his wife, and the ship’s captain to ensure a positive outcome.

Several rescue scenarios were considered in an attempt to avoid disrupting the trip for the other passengers. When none of the scenarios were deemed safe for the patient, the captain ordered the ship back to the Falkland Islands, where the patient was stabilized before being transported to a suitable medical facility identified during pre-planning evaluation activities.

Successful Evacuation

Once stable and approved for travel, the Crisis24 medical team used its extensive knowledge of medical facilities worldwide to identify a regional center of medical excellence and facilitated evacuation by air ambulance to Santiago, Chile, where he underwent additional neurological management and imaging to ensure optimal care. After several days of recuperating in Santiago, Crisis24 arranged for repatriation to New York, where the client received outpatient rehabilitation. In addition to facilitating transportation and medical care, Crisis24’s team managed all of the related insurance requirements, providing peace of mind to the client and his wife.


Vacation cruises offer travelers unique opportunities to explore remote and exotic destinations; however, geographic distance from conventional medical facilities poses distinct challenges when addressing medical emergencies on cruise ships. The inherent constraints of limited resources and the isolated nature of maritime environments amplify the gravity of incidents, from minor ailments to critical, life-threatening situations. Ensuring access to 24/7 emergency medical assistance is essential in receiving expert support should a medical incident occur, enabling a swift and efficient response amidst crises at sea.


The decision to prioritize patient safety over logistical convenience led to a successful evacuation and subsequent medical management, resulting in the patient's positive recovery. Crisis24's intervention ensured optimal care and a favorable outcome for the passenger and his family, highlighting the importance of preparedness and strategic decision-making during medical emergencies at sea.

A Voyage Interrupted: Navigating a Medical Emergency at Sea

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