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06 Jun 2017 | 05:19 PM UTC

Libya: Clashes in various areas June 2-6

Violent clashes reported in Jufra and Zawiyah in recent days



Clashes broke out in various part of Libya during the first week of June. On Friday, June 2, Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army (LNA) launched an offensive against the Benghazi Defence Brigade (BDB) in Jufra. Heavy airstrikes on BDB positions were followed by a ground offensive, which forced BDB forces to withdraw. On June 3, reports emerged that the LNA had taken control of the Jufra airbase and the BDB has fled north towards Sirte, Bani Waleed, and Misrata to regroup. An LNA spokesperson has announced that its forces will now move towards BDB forces regrouping in the area of Bani Waleed.

Additionally, clashes broke out on June 3 in Zawiyah. Heavy fighting was reported after a senior commander of the Ahneish group (a politically influential group in Libya) was killed. Armed groups moved in number towards Zawiyah. While the situation has been calm since June 4, tensions are still high between the different militias in the area. Further clashes are likely.


The security situation remains volatile in the strategically important Al-Jufrah regions. Fighting across the region is likely to continue as the LNA target remnants of BDB fighters in the region and pursue them towards Bani Waleed.


The security environment in Libya remains complex. Although travel is permissible in some areas, other areas should be considered strictly off limits. Professional security advice and support should be sought prior to travel.