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05 Jun 2017 | 08:19 PM UTC

Colombia: Protesters continue to block roads in Buenaventura June 2 /update 4

The general strike in Buenaventura continues to block access to the port on June 2; gas services restricted and some violent incidents reported



The general strike in Buenaventura is ongoing as of Friday, June 2. Protesters continue to block access to the port and are preventing commercial trucks from leaving the city. Media sources reported that a truck was set on fire on Friday morning after attempting to pass through the barricades. Gas services have also been restricted in the city as fuel trucks are unable to safely travel between Buga and Buenaventura. Officials reported that as of Thursday, June 1, an estimated USD 69,153 (200,000 million pesos) have been lost due to the strike. Further violence is likely amid the ongoing Paro Civico ("Civic Strike"), with some fearing an outright revolt.


Buenaventura suffers from poor socioeconomic conditions and social services, compounded by a lack of decent health care and education, inequality, and poverty. Additionally, crime rates are relatively high due to the presence of gangs involved in drug trafficking. Almost half the city has no access to drinking water, while 62 percent of its residents are jobless. Infant mortality and malnutrition are particularly high. Corruption is endemic and considered exceptionally high for even Colombian standards (the city's three past mayors are in prison for embezzling public funds and the current mayor is under investigation).

Due to these various issues, protesters in Buenaventura are demanding that the national government declare a state of social, security, and environmental emergency in the area and deliver improved social services.


Individuals present in Buenaventura are advised to avoid all demonstrations, to monitor developments to the situation, and to consider postponing nonessential travel to the city.