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29 May 2017 | 09:07 AM UTC

Turkey: Protests in Istanbul May 31

Two demonstrations to take place in Istanbul May 31; possible traffic disruptions



Two demonstrations are set to take place in Istanbul on Wednesday, May 31. A march in support of Palestinians will take place from 18:00 (local time), heading from the Galatasaray Sports Club to Tunnel Square. Additionally a protest to commemorate the anniversary of the 2013 protests is expected to take place somewhere in the Gezi Park/Taksim Square/Istiklal Street area. However, due to the current state of emergency, the local authorities could refuse to authorize the protest. Due to high sociopolitical tensions, a heightened police presence is to be anticipated and outbreaks of violence are possible, particularly at the latter gathering.

On a separate note, the authorities have established curfews in 59 villages in the Kurdish province of Diyarbakir - including the districts of Lice, Hazro, Kocakoy and Dicle - to facilitate military operations against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The nightly curfews, in effect until further notice, begin at 18:00.


The government has banned protesters from gathering at Taksim Square since 2013, after it became the flashpoint for weeks of anti-government demonstrations. In May 31, 2016, hundreds of activists gathered to commemorate the anniversary despite access to Taksim Square and Gezi Park being blocked. The activists marched peacefully on Istiklal Street but several arrests were made. Activist also gathered in other major cities including Ankara and Antalya.

A recent constitutional referendum has exacerbated the country's already-heightened sociopolitical tensions. Additionally, Turkey has suffered repeated bombings and other attacks since the establishment of Islamic State (IS) in neighboring Iraq and Syria as well as since the 2015 collapse of a long-term ceasefire between the government and the PKK, which has waged a three-decade insurgency for Kurdish autonomy. In recent months, the Turkish military has intensified its airstrikes and military operations against the PKK. 


Individuals in Turkey are advised to avoid all demonstrations and rallies, follow any instructions issued by the local authorities, and carry proper identification at all times (e.g. passport).

Due to the prevailing threat of terrorism, report any suspicious objects or behavior to the authorities and maintain a high degree of vigilance, especially when visiting sites deemed particularly vulnerable to an attack (public transportation, train stations, ports, airports, public or government buildings, embassies or consulates, international organizations, schools and universities, religious sites, festivals, etc.). Some Western governments advise against travel to areas along the Syrian and Iraqi borders.