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27 May 2017 | 04:35 PM UTC

Venezuela: At least 35 people wounded during protest in Caracas May 26

Opposition protesters clash with security forces during march in Caracas on May 26; at least 35 people wounded



Police and opposition protesters clashed during a demonstration in Caracas on Friday, May 26. Security forces used tear gas to disperse the marchers. Opposition leaders called the protest the “March of the Liberators” and attempted to move to the city’s largest military base, Fort Tiuna, and gather at the Los Proceres monument. At least 35 protesters were wounded in the clashes, including an opposition Member of Congress. Additional demonstrations are likely in the coming days.


The opposition leaders are calling for members of the military to comply with Article 328 of the country’s constitution which signifies the army as a professional institution without political affiliation.

For nearly two months, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators across the country have been denouncing a wide range of grievances as well as demanding general elections (including early presidential elections) be held in mass protests and marches, some of which have resulted in violent clashes with police and military forces. Venezuela has been devastated by a long series of progressively worsening crises affecting the restive country in recent months and years, including a breakdown of the democratic system, major shortages of gasoline, medications, food, and other basic necessities, an alarming spike in rates of violent crime, massive inflation and economic recession, and a resurgence of disease.


Individuals in Caracas and other Venezuelan cities are advised to limit movements, to strictly avoid all protests and roadblocks due to the likelihood of violence, and to closely monitor the situation.