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21 May 2017 | 05:24 PM UTC

Niger: Meningitis outbreak continues throughout the country /update 1

Meningitis outbreak spreads due to dry weather; 1294 cases and 84 fatalities reported throughout the country as of April 21



The Nigerien Ministry of Health reports that the meningitis epidemic situation in Niger continues to worsen. As of April 21, 2017, at least 1294 cases were reported in the country, including 84 deaths. The capital city of Niamey is among the most affected areas, with 411 reported cases, including 17 deaths, reported. The Dosso, Tillaberi, and Tahoua regions are also particularly impacted. Although to a lesser extent, the Zinder and Diffa regions have also reported cases. In response to the outbreak, a vaccination campaign has been launched in Niamey for people between the ages of 2 and 20.


Meningitis is hyperendemic to the "meningitis belt" of Africa's Sahel region, which stretches from Senegal to Ethiopia, and is an annual concern in the region as periodic outbreaks occur during the dry season between October and April. Symptoms include headache, fever, and stiffness of the neck. Meningitis is contagious.


People present in Niger are advised to take the necessary measures to protect themselves from the disease (wash hands and disinfect all surfaces frequently), avoid all contact with infected individuals, and make sure appropriate immunizations are up to date before traveling to the country. Individuals developing symptoms of the disease should seek immediate medical attention.