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11 May 2017 | 03:44 PM UTC

Israel/Palestinian Territories: Six Palestinians injured in clash with Israeli forces in West Bank May 11

Six Palestinian demonstrators injured during clashes with Israeli soldiers in West Bank on May 11



Clashes between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers erupted in the outskirts of Ramallah, near the Beit El settlement, during the afternoon of Thursday, May 11. As a result of the clash, the Palestinian Health Ministry has reported that six demonstrators sustained leg injuries from low caliber weapons. Some Palestinians took to the streets in support of Palestinian detainees in Israel who have been on hunger strike for 25 days. The demonstrators allegedly burned tires and threw rocks at Israeli security forces. 

Although Israeli security forces regained control of the situation, further protests and clashes are possible.


Palestinians detained in Israeli prisons began a hunger strike against the conditions of jails in the country in coordination with Palestinian Prisoners Day, observed on Monday, April 17. According to Israel’s prison service, 1187 Palestinian detainees are participating in the strike under the leadership of Marwan Barghouti, a popular Palestinian political figure who remains influential in Fatah from within prison. Palestinians have planned many protests in support of the prisoners across the Palestinian territories.

Longstanding political and social tensions between Israelis and Palestinians contribute to frequent security incidents of varying severity. Israel claims that these incidents are largely the result of the Palestinian Authority (PA) fueling social unrest with calls to protest, whereas Palestinians criticize what they describe as an illegal occupation by the Israeli population. Tensions have been mounting since a December UNSC resolution condemned Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories as illegal; meanwhile, Israel continues to regularly demolish homes owned by Palestinians.


Individuals in the region should avoid all forms of demonstrations, protests, and gatherings due to the risk of violence.

On a separate note, due to the prevailing threat of terrorism, individuals throughout Israel should report any suspicious objects or behavior to the authorities and always be on guard when visiting sites deemed particularly vulnerable to an attack (public transportation, train stations, ports, airports, public or government buildings, embassies or consulates, international organizations, schools and universities, religious sites, markets, hotels and restaurants frequented by foreigners/Westerners, festivals, etc.).