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07 May 2017 | 06:02 PM UTC

Argentina: Nationwide teachers strike May 8-12, rally May 16

University teachers union announces further strike action May 8-12 and rally to be held on May 16



The National Federation of University Professors (Federación Nacional de Docentes Universitarios; CONADU) has called for a nationwide university teachers strike May 8-12 and a rally on May 16 to be held in Buenos Aires. The rally will begin at the Congreso de la Nacion and end at the Plaza de Mayo. The government and the union members have held meetings to address the union's demands for an increase in wages for university teachers. The strikes will likely lead to disruption at universities. Roadblocks on major city streets as well as on highways are possible, particularly on May 16.


Sociopolitical tensions have been on the rise in Argentina since current (conservative) President Mauricio Macri took office in December 2015, with an uptick in anti-government protests and strikes observed in recent months. Various groups, including teachers, are demanding increased salaries amid high inflation and protesting to draw attention to other socioeconomic issues, including high unemployment, poverty, and economic inequality.

While the majority of demonstrations in Argentina take place without major incident, larger ones can result in major traffic disruptions that can significantly impact daily life. Clashes with security forces and other low-intensity violence occasionally occurs, particularly in the event protesters erect roadblocks, as was the case in the Buenos Aires region during a general strike held on April 6. 


Individuals in Argentina are advised to avoid any protests related to the strike and to monitor the sociopolitical climate in the coming days and weeks.