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04 May 2017 | 07:15 AM UTC

Pakistan: Chikungunya outbreak in Karachi region

Some 2500 suspected cases of chikungunya reported in Karachi since December 2016



Roughly 2500 suspected cases of chikungunya have been reported in Karachi since December 19, 2016, as of May 2. Media sources indicate that the World Health Organization (WHO) sent a mission to Karachi to meet with Sindh Heath Department authorities on May 2 to address the outbreak. Cases have been reported in people from 23 districts in the province. WHO officials were also tasked with investigating whether or not cases of dengue fever and the Zika virus were present in the city, since they are spread by the same mosquito that carries chikungunya.

Related protests over a lack of adequate treatment facilities have been reported in the area of the Karachi Press Club.


Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne disease. Symptoms include high fever, joint and muscle pain, rash, headache, nausea, and fatigue. The virus is rarely fatal but lingering joint pain can last for several weeks, even months, after the initial recovery. No treatment or vaccine is currently available.


All those present in the area are advised to take the necessary measures to protect themselves against mosquito bites (e.g. use insect repellent and mosquito netting, avoid stagnant bodies of water, wear loose-fitting long sleeves and pants, etc.).