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06 Sep 2017 | 02:04 AM UTC

Nigeria: Flooding kills three, displaces 110,000 in Benue state

Heavy rains cause severe flooding, killing three and displacing 110,000 in Benue state as of September 5



Heavy rains in recent weeks have caused severe flooding in Benue state, located in the southeastern region of Nigeria, resulting in three deaths and 110,000 people displaced as of Tuesday, September 5. Government officials in the affected region warn of a possible food crisis as many fields have been destroyed. As of Friday, September 1, two internally displaced person (IDP) camps had been opened by authorities in the city of Makurdi, the capital of Benue state.


In Nigeria, the rainy season typically lasts from March to November. According to the Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA), the number of people in the country vulnerable to devastating floods is expected to continue to rise due to urbanization, population growth (particularly in flood-prone regions), deforestation, and climate change.


Individuals present in the affected regions are advised to follow all instructions as issued by local authorities and be prepared to leave immediately if an evacuation order is given. Monitor any relevant developments to the situation via local media, the authorities, and reliable weather reporting outlets. Remember that driving or walking through running water can be dangerous; 15 cm (6 in) of running water is enough to knock over an adult.