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03 Oct 2017 | 10:08 AM UTC

Peru: “Terrorist” killed in clashes with police in VRAEM region

“Terrorist” killed in clashes with security forces during routine patrol in VRAEM region (Ayahaunco district) Oct. 1



According to a statement by the Peruvian armed forces, a known “terrorist” was killed in clashes with National Police officers in Ayahuanco district (Huanta province, Ayacucho region) on Sunday, October 1. The fighting occurred during a routine police patrol in the area.


Police and army patrols are regularly carried out in Ayacucho, which is part of the VRAEM (Valley of the Apurimac, Ene, and Mantaro Rivers) region. This remote area had been largely ignored by the Peruvian government until 2006, allowing criminal groups to thrive and poverty rates to remain extremely high. According to the UN, one-third of the cocaine produced worldwide comes from this area, totaling up to 400 tons per year.


Due to the presence of armed groups, some Western governments advise against travel to the VRAEM region, as well as the Huánuco region and areas along the Colombian border.