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22 Oct 2017 | 11:01 AM UTC

South Sudan: UN reports multiple incidents of harassment by security forces in September

A report issued on October 16 details at least 17 incidents in which South Sudanese security forces blocked, harassed, or detained UN personnel in September



A report released on Monday, October 16, detailed at least 17 incidents in which UN peacekeeping forces were blocked, harassed, or detained by South Sudanese forces throughout the month of September.  One of the most high profile incidents occurred on September 21. According to the report, approximately 100 security personnel surrounded a UN convoy in Juba and pointed weapons at the UN personnel. South Sudan’s defense minister reportedly issued a formal apology for the September 21 incident. Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary-General, told the UN Security Council that he is reviewing the current peacekeeping mission and will present his recommendations before the council votes on extending the mission in December.


South Sudan is wracked by political, interethnic, and intercommunal violence, all exacerbated by border and oil revenue disputes with Sudan. Following the 2011 signature of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement that gave the country its independence from Sudan, the predominantly north-south conflict has given way to a pattern of internal violence. Since December 2013, the country has experienced a stop-and-start civil war between the government of President Salva Kiir Mayardit and the SPLA on one side, and rebel forces in support of former Vice President Riek Machar Tehny Durgon and his Sudan People's Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLA-IO) on the other. This is despite international support for state-building and peace-keeping - including the 12,000 strong United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) deployed since 2011. The number of South Sudanese citizens displaced by the conflict currently stands at some 3.5 million.


Due to this and other security concerns, many Western governments advise against nonessential travel to South Sudan. Certain regions should be particularly avoided, including the states of Unity and Upper Nile, the north of Warrap state, parts of Eastern and Central Equatoria states, and areas along the border with the Central African Republic, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. If travel is necessary, ensure that proper security protocols are in place.