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18 Dec 2017 | 10:52 PM UTC

Pakistan: IS-KP kills at least nine people in Quetta church attack Dec. 17 /update 1

Heightened security measures implemented throughout country following December 17 attack in Quetta that left at least nine people dead; Islamic State-Khorasan Province (IS-KP) claims responsibility



Islamic State-Khorasan Province (IS-KP) launched an attack on a church in Quetta (Balochistan province) on Sunday, December 17, killing at least nine people and wounding 57 others. IS's Amaq news agency later claimed responsibility for the attack. Two IS-KP militants attacked Bethel Memorial Methodist Church on Zarghoon Road in Quetta during a church service; one attacker was killed by police in a gunfight while the other fired on worshippers and exploded a suicide vest. Heightened security measures have reportedly been implemented in Quetta and throughout the country in response to the attack.


Sunday's attack on the church in Quetta was the first such attack claimed by IS-KP in Pakistan.

The Quetta region of Balochistan province, located in north-central Pakistan, has experienced high levels of violence in recent months and years due to its position along a major arms smuggling route and proximity to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Militant groups - notably including Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Balochi nationalist militants - often carry out car bombings, suicide bombings, and armed attacks which target the Balochistan Frontier Corps, local police forces, lawyers, and the minority Hazara Shi'a community.


Individuals in Quetta are advised to monitor the situation and adhere to all instructions issued by local authorities.

Due to the high threat of terrorism and other forms of violent crime, individuals in Pakistan are advised to report any suspicious objects or behavior to the relevant authorities (their diplomatic mission or security manager). As a reminder, all Western embassies in Pakistan advise their citizens against nonessential travel to the country. Travel to the country should only be considered with proper security protocols in place.​