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25 Mar 2018 | 06:07 PM UTC

Iraq: Islamic State kills eight on Baghdad-Kirkuk highway March 24

Islamic State militants kill eight police officers on Baghdad-Kirkuk highway March 24; additional attacks possible in the area in the coming weeks



On Saturday, March 24, it was announced that eight Federal Police officers had been killed by Islamic State (IS) militants. Reports indicate the officers were abducted on the Baghdad-Kirkuk highway before being killed.

Additionally, at least seven people were killed in four separate armed attacks throughout Iraq from Saturday evening through early on Sunday, March 25 (local time), including an incident in which unidentified assailants killed four civilians in an attack on a security checkpoint in Al-Sa'adiyah (Diyala province). The other attacks included a shooting in northern Baghdad that killed one civilian, an attack against a military vehicle in Tikrit that killed one, and a bombing targeting a patrol car of Hashd al-Shaabi in Al Mansouryah that killed one and injured three others. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attacks. Additional militant attacks, including by IS fighters, are possible in the abovementioned areas in the coming weeks.


Although Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi claimed victory over IS in December 2017, the group retains a degree of freedom of movement in the northeast (Hamrim Mountains), near the Tigris and Zab rivers, in rural regions of Anbar province, and along the Syrian border in the west. IS militants continue to carry out attacks, notably against security forces. High-profile attacks spur equally significant security responses, including enhanced checkpoint operations and more proactive operations, with resulting effects on transit.


The security environment in Iraq remains complex. Although travel is possible in some areas with proper security protocols in place, other areas should be considered strictly off-limits. Professional security advice and support should be sought prior to all travel.