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05 Sep 2018 | 03:40 PM UTC

Cameroon: Boko Haram attacks in Far North September 4-5

Boko Haram militants attack Gouzoudou and Kolofata (Far North region) on September 4-5; two civilians killed



Boko Haram militants attacked the village of Kolofata (Far North region) overnight on September 4-5. The assailants reportedly killed two civilians. In a separate incident, Boko Haram militants ambushed a military convoy in Gouzoudou overnight on September 4-5, wounding at least five Cameroonian soldiers. Further attacks by Boko Haram militants are possible in the area in the coming days and weeks. 


Although the regional counterinsurgency effort against Boko Haram that began in 2015 - led by West African states (Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, and Niger) - has greatly diminished the extent of their effective territorial control, the group continues to routinely carry out deadly terrorist attacks. Boko Haram's stronghold remains in northeastern Nigeria, and the majority of its activities are concentrated in this area. However, the Far North region of Cameroon, especially areas along the border with Nigeria, also regularly experiences attacks attributed to Boko Haram militants; the group's presence in Far North dates back to at least 2011. 


Individuals present in Cameroon are advised to limit time in areas deemed particularly likely to be targeted in a terrorist attack (crowded markets, etc.) and to report any suspicious objects or behavior to the relevant authorities.

Some Western governments advise citizens in or planning travel to Cameroon against travel to the Far North region as well as other areas bordering Nigeria, Chad, and the Central African Republic; travel to these areas should only be considered with appropriate security protocols in place.