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07 Sep 2018 | 12:05 PM UTC

Germany: Far-right demonstrations planned in Hamburg in coming months

Counter-demonstrators gathered against a far-right march on September 5; further protests scheduled



Thousands of people rallied to protest against a far-right demonstration organized in Hamburg under the banner "Merkel muss weg" (Merkel has to go), on Wednesday, September 5. Local sources reported that the protest remained largely peaceful. More far right protests and counter-protests are expected over the coming months, with potential clashes between protesters and security forces.

A heightened security presence and associated transportation disruptions are expected in the vicinity of any scheduled demonstrations.


Wednesday's protests are the continuation of a wave of nationwide demonstrations organized against far-right rallies, in light of violent clashes that erupted between far-right and anti-far-right demonstrators in Chemnitz.

On Sunday, August 26, a German man was fatally stabbed in Chemnitz, and two men of Iraqi and Syrian origin were subsequently arrested for his death. Multiple demonstrations were held by far-right groups since then, resulting in violent encounters between far-right and counter-protesters.


Individuals in Hamburg are advised to monitor developments, avoid all protests and demonstrations as a precaution, and adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities.