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11 Sep 2018 | 12:53 PM UTC

Pakistan: New Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever fatality in Karachi

Death toll from the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever outbreak reaches nine so far in 2018 in Karachi region



On Monday, September 10, a young man died from Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) in a hospital in Karachi, the ninth fatal case observed so far in the area since the beginning of 2018. A total of 13 CCHF cases have been reported at Karachi's main hospital.


Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is caused by a tick-borne virus (Nairovirus) and has a mortality rate 10-40 percent. CCHF is endemic in several regions of the world, including Africa, the Middle East, and certain Asian countries. The CCHF virus is transmitted either via tick bites or through contact with infected animal blood or tissue during and immediately after slaughter.


As a precautionary measure, individuals present in Karachi are advised to wear protective (long sleeves, long trousers), light colored clothing to allow for the easy detection of ticks, use approved acaricides (chemicals intended to kill ticks) on clothing, and avoid close physical contact with CCHF-infected persons.