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28 Nov 2018 | 04:47 PM UTC

Mexico: Road closures in Mexico City amid demonstration November 28

Road closures in Mexico City amid campesino demonstration November 28; transportation disruptions and heightened security presence



Road closures have been reported in Mexico City amid a campesino demonstration on Wednesday, November 28. Police have closed Paseo de la Reforma from El Ángel de la Independencia eastward, as thousands of protesters march from El Ángel de la Independencia to the Zócalo to denounce President Enrique Peña Nieto's perceived lack of support for the agricultural sector. Protesters' trucks are also reportedly parked near the Monumento a la Revolución and slowing the flow of traffic. A heightened security presence and lingering transportation disruptions are to be expected along the march route over the coming hours.  


Individuals in Mexico City are advised to avoid all protests and demonstrations, never attempt to cross roadblocks without authorization, and adhere to any instructions issued by the local authorities and their home governments.