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26 Jul 2020 | 08:01 AM UTC

Russia: Azerbaijanis and Armenians clash in Moscow on July 25

Azerbaijanis and Armenians clash in Moscow on July 25; further clashes likely



Russian authorities announced the arrest of more than 30 people in Moscow on Saturday, July 25, following violent clashes between Azerbaijanis and Armenians. The violence was sparked by recent tensions and border clashes between the two countries, which have left at least 20 people dead. Groups of Azerbaijanis reportedly beat up Armenians on the night of Friday, July 24, and vandalized Armenian stores. Further clashes occurred on Saturday, with groups fighting in the streets and shops being targeted. In addition, police in Saint Petersburg reportedly arrested dozens of individuals on Saturday, in an effort to prevent a fight breaking out between Azerbaijanis and Armenians in the city.

Further clashes between members of the Azerbaijani and Armenian communities are likely in areas of Russia with large concentrations of the two nationalities. A heightened security presence is likely in and around such areas while the disturbances are ongoing.  


Individuals are advised to monitor the situation, and adhere to any instruction given by local authorities.