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16 Aug 2020 | 09:54 PM UTC

DRC: Fatal clashes between police and protesters kill at least one in Kindu August 15

Fatal clashes between police and protesters kill at least one in Kindu (Maniema province) on August 15; further clashes are possible in the area in the near term



On Saturday, August 15, at least one person was killed and four others were wounded in clashes which erupted between protesters and police officers at a rally in front of the Provincial Assembly in Kindu (Maniema province). Demonstrators gathered to denounce an opening plenary session taking place over a no-confidence motion against provincial governor Auguy Musafiri. Reports indicate that the demonstrators carried projectiles and attempted to prevent the meeting taking place. Police responded firing live ammunition and tear gas at those gathered, in efforts to disperse them, resulting in casualties. Several activists were arrested as well.

Further associated demonstrations over the issue, and the subsequent fatality and casualties, are possible in the area in the near term. Localized disruptions and heightened security are likely in the vicinity of all demonstrations. Further clashes cannot be ruled out.


Those in Maniema province are advised to monitor the situation for developments, avoid all demonstrations and gatherings as a precaution, and adhere to all instructions issued by local authorities.