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07 Jun 2022 | 08:42 PM UTC

Kenya: Authorities impose dusk-to-dawn curfew in parts of Baringo, Elgeyo-Marakwet, and West Pokot counties until July 7

Officials to enforce dusk-to-dawn curfew in Baringo, Elgeyo-Marakwet, and West Pokot counties, Kenya, until July 7 due to security concerns.



Authorities have imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew in parts of Kenya's Baringo, Elgeyo-Marakwet, and West Pokot counties until at least July 7. Public gatherings and processions are banned in the affected areas during curfew hours. The move comes in response to prevailing elevated levels of banditry fueled by conflict over land and other resources. The following areas are subject to the curfew:

  • Baringo County: Tiaty Subcounty; Sibilo, Yatya, and Kinyach areas of Baringo North Constituency.

  • Elgeyo-Marakwet County: Tot ward; six areas in Chesongoch ward; Kapyego; Chesuman and Arror in Marakwet West Constituency.

  • West Pokot County: Chesegon and Sigor wards.

Authorities will likely maintain an increased security presence to ensure adherence to the curfew; associated localized transport and commercial disruptions are also likely. Locals opposed to the measure may stage protests; police may attempt to forcibly disperse any such gatherings that materialize. Additional criminal attacks are possible in the region over the near term.


Exercise increased caution if operating in Baringo, Elgeyo-Marakwet, or West Pokot until the security situation stabilizes. Heed the instructions of local authorities; remain courteous and cooperative if approached and questioned by security personnel. Allow extra time to reach destinations in curfew-affected areas. Maintain contact with your diplomatic representation while operating in the region.