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15 Oct 2022 | 11:49 AM UTC

Nigeria: Authorities implement security lockdowns in parts of Zamfara State as of Oct. 15

Authorities implement lockdowns in parts of Zamfara State, Nigeria, as of Oct. 15 due to insecurity.



As of Oct. 15, authorities in Zamfara State have issued lockdown orders for three Local Government Areas (LGAs) and nine towns in Zamfara State to stem kidnappings and killings carried out by criminal armed groups known as bandits. The affected towns include Yarkofoji, Birnin Tudu, Rini, Gora Namaye, Janbako, Faru, Kaya, Boko, and Mada while the three LGAs include Anka, Bukkuyum, and Gummi. Officials have also announced the closing of markets in select areas of the state. All political activities in the state have also been suspended until further notice. The duration of the security measures remains unclear as of Oct. 15.

Authorities will likely maintain a heightened security presence across the state in the near term and may launch targeted operations to apprehend armed gangs. Localized transport disruptions, such as checkpoints, are likely. Officials could also expand the business and/or movement restrictions or implement curfews should additional incidents occur. Anti-government protests in response to the measures are also possible. Should any protests occur, the potential for clashes is elevated.


Armed banditry is one of the primary security threats in central and northern Nigeria. Most kidnappings in Nigeria are financially motivated and conducted by criminal groups of varying levels of sophistication. Bandits regularly resort to lethal methods. While locals are more likely to be affected, the threat to foreign nationals remains.


Heed the directives of local authorities. Exercise a high degree of vigilance due to the pervasive insecurity. If operating in the area over the long term, do not discuss plans or travel routes publicly, vary routes and times of travel, and ensure the use of secure transport. Avoid all demonstrations.