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21 May 2017 | 01:44 PM UTC

Israel: Increased security deployed ahead of Trump visit May 22

10,000 additional police officers to be deployed ahead of Trump visit to Jerusalem and Bethlehem May 22-24



At least 10,000 additional police officers will be deployed ahead of US President Donald Trump's visit to Jersualem and Bethlehem from May 22-24. Trump is scheduled to visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial center, Jerusalem's old city, and Masada. Regular police units will be mobilized alongside counter-terror units, border police, undercover officers, and Shin Bet. Additional security measures such as bullet proofing Trump's hotel room are also underway. The White House has indicated that the president may meet with Palestinian leadership during the visit, however details of the meetings have not been confirmed.

Transportation disruptions are likely throughout Jerusalem and Bethlehem, as Trump's 56-vehicle convoy moves through the two cities.


Trump has ignited controversy after indicating that he may move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The president has announced plans to attempt to broker a peace deal between Israel and Palestine, citing a belief that both parties are willing to negotiate. Longstanding political and social tensions between Israelis and Palestinians contribute to frequent security incidents of varying severity.


Individuals in Israel are advised to remain vigilant and to expect increased security measures, potential border closures, and travel delays.

Due to the prevailing threat of terrorism, individuals throughout Israel should report any suspicious objects or behavior to the authorities and always be on guard when visiting sites deemed particularly vulnerable to an attack (e.g. public transportation, train stations, ports, airports, public or government buildings, embassies or consulates, international organizations, schools and universities, religious sites, markets, hotels and restaurants frequented by foreigners/Westerners, festivals, etc.).