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01 May 2017 | 10:43 PM UTC

Venezuela: Opposition plans demonstrations in Caracas on May 1

Anti-government protests planned in Caracas on May 1



Anti-government protests called for by the opposition coalition MUD (Mesa de la Unidad Democrática) are scheduled to take place on Monday, May 1 (May Day), a traditional workers holiday, in Caracas. Protestors are scheduled to march to the Supreme Court and the National Electoral Council's offices.

Clashes are possible, and transportation disruptions are likely.


The current wave of protests has virtually paralyzed Caracas, with many schools closed amid the violence and roads blocked by protesters and government forces. Approximately 28 people have been killed in clashes between riot police and anti-government protesters, according to prosecutors. More than 400 people have been injured, and nearly 1,300 arrested.

Demonstrators are denouncing a wide range of grievances as well as demanding elections, including the gubernatorial elections initially scheduled for December 2016 as well as general elections currently slated to be held in 2018. Venezuela has been devastated by a long series of crises affecting the restive country in recent months and years, including a breakdown of the democratic system, major shortages of gasoline, medications, food, and other basic necessities, an alarming spike in rates of violent crime, massive inflation and economic recession, and a resurgence of disease. 


Individuals in Caracas are advised to limit movements, to strictly avoid all protests and roadblocks due to the likelihood of violence, and to closely monitor the situation.