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28 Jul 2017 | 12:32 AM UTC

Saudi Arabia: Anti-militant operations near Qatif July 26-27

Saudi security forces raid town of Awamiya July 26-27, leaving at least five dead



At least five people were killed during a raid on the eastern town of Awamiya by Saudi forces on Wednesday, July 26, and Thursday, July 27. Saudi officials suspected the town had been harboring Shi'a militants; however, reports say that three unaffiliated local residents and two expatriate workers of unknown nationality were killed in the raid. Further raids in the area as well as demonstrations against the violence are possible in the coming days.


Eastern Province is home to numerous Shi'a militants classified by the Saudi government as terrorists. Sporadic clashes between these militants and security forces occur frequently in the province (especially in Qatif and Dammam) and security forces regularly conduct raids in the region.

Generally speaking, sociopolitical tensions are high in the province, which is mostly populated by Shi'a Muslims, whereas the rest of the country is majority Sunni. Since 2011, Saudi Arabia's Shi'a Muslims have staged numerous demonstrations against what they see as the systematic economic marginalization of their community by the central government. The Islamic State (IS) has previously launched attacks on Shi'as in Qatif.


Individuals in the Eastern Province are advised to avoid any form of gatherings and to monitor the situation. Due to the risk of sporadic outbreaks of violence, the American government prohibits its personnel from traveling to Qatif and surrounding suburbs as well as to Hofuf and surrounding suburbs.

More generally, given the prevailing terrorist risk in Saudi Arabia, those present in the country are advised to exercise caution at all times, avoid public places lacking adequate security measures or locations deemed particularly likely to be targeted in the event of an attack (e.g. official buildings, military zones, etc.), and report all suspicious objects or behavior to authorities.