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16 Aug 2017 | 12:55 PM UTC

DRC: Mass abduction in Kunu village (northeast) August 14

Suspected LRA militants abduct between ten and 40 people, including two CENI employees, in Kunu (northeast)



Militants suspected of belonging to the Lords of Resistance Army (LRA) carried out an ambush and mass abduction in the village of Kunu (northeast) on Monday, August 14. Local sources state ten people were kidnapped, while the UN radio station Okapi puts this number at 40. Two National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) employees were among the abductees, but one of them reportedly managed to escape. The location of the kidnapping victims remains unknown; an investigation is underway.


The LRA, created in 1988 with the goal of overthrowing Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, is known to be one of the most dangerous rebel group in the world. According to the UN, LRA violence has left more than 100,000 people dead since 1988 and the group has kidnapped more than 60,000 children in Uganda, South Sudan, northeastern DRC, and the Central African Republic (CAR). In 2005, the International Criminal Court (ICC) indicted its leader Joseph Kony for crimes against humanity and other war crimes.

Kidnapping is a significant threat in the eastern regions of the DRC. There have been a growing number of attacks against mine workers and NGOs operating in the east, where the state has a limited presence allowing numerous armed groups and local self-defense militias (Maï-Maï militias) to operate.


Due to these and other security concerns, many Western governments advise their citizens against all travel to the provinces of North Kivu and South Kivu (particularly outside the cities of Goma and Bukavu), as well as the northeast portion of Eastern province and the northern part of Katanga due to the presence of armed groups. Certain governments also advise against nonessential travel to the rest of the country.