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06 Oct 2017 | 05:16 PM UTC

Sri Lanka: Police clash with protesters in Hambantota Oct. 6

Police use tear gas and water cannons to disperse protesters in Hambantota on October 6; at least 26 people arrested



Protesters clashed with police in Hambantota on Friday, October 6, during a demonstration. Police officials said that security forces used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowd after people started throwing rocks, wounding four officers. The police arrested 26 protesters during the clashes. Additional demonstration may occur in the coming weeks.


Residents in Hambantota were demonstrating against government plans to privatize the Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport (HRI). The USD 210 million airport opened in March 2013 and was named after then-President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who is from Hambantota. According to media reports, HRI has never turned a profit and is one of the least used international airports in the world, servicing only one flight a day. Rajapakse was removed from office in January 2015, and the current government has said it is considering selling HRI to an Indian investor.


Individuals in Hambantota are advised to avoid all protests and follow any instructions issued by the local authorities; violence may flare up at demonstrations without warning.