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17 Jul 2018 | 09:43 AM UTC

Colombia: ELN-EPL violence continues in Catatumbo /update 16

ELN-EPL turf war continues in Catatumbo region (Norte de Santander), continue to avoid area; grenade attack in Cúcuta July 16



Clashes between rival armed groups - the EPL (Ejército Popular de Liberación; a.k.a. Los Pelusos) and the ELN (Ejército de Liberación Nacional) - continue to take place regularly in the restive Catatumbo region (Norte de Santander department). The fighting forced scores of residents of the municipalities of San Calixto and Teorama to flee their homes between July 11 and July 16.

On a similar note, a grenade attack was carried out against a brothel in the city of Cúcuta, located just southeast of Catatumbo. The attack, in which ten people were injured, is believed to be linked to an extortion scheme.


The ELN guerrilla group and the EPL crime organization have been engaged in a turf war since mid-March 2018 over Catatumbo and its lucrative coca-growing lands, which were recently vacated by the now-demobilized FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia). Numerous civilian casualties have been reported and some 16,000 have fled the area in recent months. In April, the Colombian government declared a humanitarian emergency for the region, followed shortly thereafter by a state of emergency declared by the Norte de Santander governor. Further violence, including armed clashes between the EPL and the ELN - as well as between the EPL or ELN and security forces - are to be expected in the region until further notice.

Catatumbo is located in the northeast of Norte de Santander and comprises the following 11 municipalities: Ábrego, Convención, El Carmen, El Tarra, Hacarí, La Playa, Ocaña, San Calixto, Sardinata, Teorama, and Tibú.


Individuals in Colombia are advised to keep abreast of the situation and continue to postpone nonessential travel to the Catatumbo region until further notice. On a more general note, due to the presence of a number of armed groups, some Western governments advise against travel to various parts of the country, including much of Norte de Santander department and other areas along the Venezuelan border.