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06 Sep 2018 | 06:27 PM UTC

Belize: State of emergency issued in southern Belize City Sep. 4

Authorities declare state of emergency in southern areas of Belize City on September 4 amid uptick in gang-related violence



On Tuesday, September 4, authorities in Belize issued a state of emergency in southern neighborhoods of Belize City. According to government officials, the state of emergency was declared following a recent uptick in gang-related violence. A heightened security presence and associated transportation disruptions are anticipated in Southside Belize City in the coming days


Violent crime is a serious issue in Belize, which has an annual homicide rate of 40 per 100,000 inhabitants. Travelers should be especially cautious in Belize City (notably the south side of the city) and the capital Belmopan due to the presence of gangs.


Individuals in Belize City are advised to avoiding walking around at night (particularly if alone) and avoid nonessential trips to the south of the city. Individuals throughout the country are advised to take basic precautions, such as be aware of your surroundings, keep items of value concealed, avoid walking around with large sums of cash, be vigilant when exiting banks or using ATMs, etc. Keep in mind that criminals in Belize are often armed; never offer resistance in the event of an attempted mugging.