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06 Sep 2018 | 07:50 PM UTC

Spain: Protest march in Barcelona on September 9

Demonstration against Catalan secessionist groups to take place in Barcelona on September 9



A demonstration is scheduled to take place in Barcelona on Sunday, September 9. According to local sources, the march is being organized to denounce the Catalan secessionist movement and to demand that the Spanish government end agreements with Catalan pro-independence groups. Demonstrators will gather at 12:00 (local time) on Avenida del Paralelo before marching to Plaza de España.


Political tensions flared between the Spanish government and supporters of Catalan independence following Catalonia's controversial and unsanctioned independence referendum on October 1, 2017. The results, in which 90 percent of the votes were in favor of independence, were ruled unconstitutional and annulled by the central government in Madrid.  


Individuals in Barcelona are advised to monitor developments to the situation, avoid all demonstrations as a precaution, and adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities.