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21 Oct 2018 | 09:13 PM UTC

Spain: Three locally-acquired dengue cases reported in Madrid

Health officials report three locally-acquired cases of dengue fever in Madrid as of October 17



According to health officials in Spain, three locally-acquired cases of dengue fever were reported in Madrid in October. Two of the cases were confirmed on October 4, with a third case being confirmed on October 17. Reports indicate that the three individuals had traveled to Cádiz in August, where they likely contracted the disease. Health officials have been placed on alert. Reports of further cases are possible in the coming days and weeks.


Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease found mostly in urban and semi-urban areas. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, nausea, and rash. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a potentially deadly complication that is characterized by high fever, enlargement of the liver, and hemorrhaging.


Individuals present in Spain are advised to take measures to protect themselves from mosquito bites (e.g. by wearing covering clothing and using insect repellent).