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23 Nov 2018 | 09:25 AM UTC

France: “Yellow vest” disruptions in border countries; major protest Nov. 24 /update 7

“Yellow vest” movement affects border areas in Spain, the UK, and Belgium November 22; major nationwide protests November 24



The "yellow vest" movement began to cause disruptions in border countries - including Spain, the UK, and Belgium - on Thursday, November 22. Disruptive protests in France have resulted in massive traffic congestion on roads leading to Spain and the UK, restricting the free flow of goods. Associated protests have also been reported in Belgium, where two individuals were arrested on November 22 at a fuel depot in Seneffe (south). Further transportation disruptions can be expected in these countries.

Further protests are scheduled nationwide in France on November 24, notably in the capital Paris. Participants have been called to block the streets of the city, using various means (debris, roadblocks, slow-rolling [go-slow] operations, etc.). Until now, disruptions have mostly affected areas outside of cities. Disruptions are also to be anticipated on highways throughout the country, notably in areas around airports.


The "yellow vest" movement launched protests on November 17 against rising fuel prices and a planned fuel tax. Hundreds of thousands have engaged in slow-rolling protests to block roads and highways, causing significant traffic disruptions. Two people have been killed and another 552 injured in traffic incidents.

The government is planning a tax increase on fuel prices, including gasoline and diesel, beginning on January 1, 2019, to promote environmentally friendly practices.


Individuals in France are advised to monitor developments to the situation, allow for extra time to reach their destinations, and avoid all protests as a precaution.