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28 Nov 2018 | 07:11 PM UTC

Libya: Unidentified assailants kill man at café in Tripoli November 28

Unidentified assailants shoot and kill man at Nest Café in Hay Andalous (Tripoli) November 28; heightened security in the area possible over the near term



Unidentified assailants shot and killed a man at Nest Café in Hay Andalous (Tripoli) on Wednesday, November 28. According to local sources, another man was critically wounded in the incident. The motivation for the attack was not immediately reported. A heightened security presence is likely in the area in the near term.


There have been considerable tensions between different Zintani groups, who currently control Hay Andalous, and between Zintani groups and Tripoli Revolutionaries Brigade (TRB) affiliates in recent months.


The security environment in Libya remains complex. Although travel is possible in some areas (with appropriate security protocols in place), other areas should be considered strictly off limits. Professional security advice and support should be sought prior to travel.