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11 Nov 2018 | 02:20 PM UTC

Spain: Madrid metro strike possible November 23

Metro workers in Madrid threaten to strike on November 23, during holiday season; transportation disruptions possible



The Madrid metro workers' SCMM union has threatened a work stoppage on Friday, November 23, as well as additional strikes through Christmas Day. According to a SCMM spokesperson, workers will strike if the government fails to address proper training for seasonal train operators, operator shortages and low compensation during the holidays, as well as other various "dangerous" conditions in the metro.


Madrid metro workers previously launched a 24-hour strike during Pride Week in July 2018 to demand the implementation of appropriate measures for asbestos removal in the metro system. Additionally, the union also protested alleged mismanagement leading to longer night shift hours without appropriate compensation.


Individuals in Madrid are advised to monitor developments to the situation, allow for additional time to reach their destinations on the day of the strike, and avoid any protests and demonstrations as a precaution.