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11 Dec 2018 | 01:03 AM UTC

US: 32 people arrested during demonstration in San Diego Dec. 10

32 people arrested during demonstration in San Diego near border with Mexico on December 10; further demonstrations possible



At least 32 people were arrested during a demonstration at Imperial Beach (San Diego county) near the border with Mexico on the afternoon (local time) of Monday, December 10. According to local sources, the demonstration was organized by a Quaker group to protest the detaining and deportation of migrants. Further demonstrations are possible in the area in the near term. A heightened security presence is to be expected near the border in the coming days and weeks. 


Tensions remain high along the Mexican-American border, notably at the San Ysidro border crossing linking the cities of Tijuana and San Diego, as migrants from Central America hoping to claim asylum in the US continue to arrive at the border. Due to US policies that restrict the number of asylum seekers allowed to cross the border daily, continued significant backlogs are expected in the coming weeks and months, with migrants being housed in emergency shelters and makeshift camps.

On November 25, a group of migrants who attempted to cross the border illegally were driven back by tear gas and rubber bullets deployed by US border guards. The crossing was closed for some five hours following the clashes, leading to significant disruptions.


Individuals in San Diego are advised to monitor developments to the situation, avoid all demonstrations and protests as a precaution, and adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities.