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25 May 2020 | 08:41 PM UTC

Iceland: Authorities lift country’s state of emergency and loosen COVID-19 restrictions May 25 /update 3

Icelandic authorities lift the country’s state of emergency and further loosen COVID-19 restrictions on May 25; continue to adhere to authority directives



On Monday, May 25, Icelandic authorities lifted the nationwide state of emergency which was implemented on February 28, lowering the country's alert level from 'emergency phase' to 'alert phase', the second of three stages, and announced further easing of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) restrictions in place.

According to media sources, swimming pools and gyms are permitted to reopen, though at half capacity, while bars, night clubs and restaurants will be allowed to serve customers until 23:00 (local time). Public gatherings of up to 200 people are also permitted and a 2 m (6.6 ft) social distancing rule has become optional in public spaces, though still encouraged. Venues must reportedly make it possible for customers to maintain a 2 m distance from others if they so desire. This applies to public spaces such as shops, restaurants, swimming pools, gyms, health clinics, workplaces, public buses, and schools. The easing of the restrictions reportedly come as the country has reported fewer COVID-19 cases; only five new cases have been reported across the country in May so far.

Icelandic authorities began easing restrictions on Monday, May 4. Schools, universities, and museums reopened and are operating as usual. Hairdressers and beauty salons have begun operating. Health services, including dentistry, will resume, except for optional surgery and invasive procedures. Grocery stores and pharmacies are exempt from these restrictions.

As of May 25, there are 1804 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Iceland and 10 associated fatalities. Further international spread of the virus is expected over the coming days and weeks.


The first case of COVID-19 was reported on December 31 and the source of the outbreak has been linked to a wet market in Wuhan (Hubei province, China). Human-to-human and patient-to-medical staff transmission of the virus have been confirmed. Many of the associated fatalities have been due to pneumonia caused by the virus.

Cases of the virus have been confirmed in numerous countries and territories worldwide. Virus-screening and quarantining measures are being implemented at airports worldwide, as well as extensive travel restrictions. On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the global outbreak a pandemic.

Pneumonia symptoms include dry cough, chest pain, fever, and labored breathing. Pneumonia can be contagious and can be transmitted from human to human. The influenza virus, or the flu, is a common cause of viral pneumonia.


Measures adopted by local authorities evolve quickly and are usually effective immediately. Depending on the evolution of the outbreak in other countries, authorities are likely to modify, at very short notice, the list of countries whose travelers are subject to border control measures or entry restrictions upon their arrival to the territory in question. It is advised to postpone nonessential travel due to the risk that travelers may be refused entry or be subject to quarantine upon their arrival or during their stay.

To reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, travelers are advised to abide by the following measures:

  • Frequently clean hands by applying an alcohol-based hand rub or washing with soap and water.
  • When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue; if used, throw the tissue away immediately and wash hands.
  • If experiencing a fever, cough, difficulty breathing, or any other symptoms suggestive of respiratory illness, including pneumonia, call emergency services before going to the doctor or hospital to prevent the potential spread of the disease.