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17 Aug 2020 | 01:39 AM UTC

Libya: LNA forces kill three IS militants during ambush in Sabha district August 15

LNA forces kill three IS militants during ambush in Ghadduwah (Sabha district) on August 15; further LNA operations targeting IS militants in the area are likely in the near term



Libyan National Army (LNA) forces conducted an operation on Saturday, August 15, in Ghadduwah in the south of Sabha district (Fezzan region), targeting Islamic State (IS) militants. Local sources indicate that an IS cell was ambushed at approximately 22:00 (local time). At least three militants were killed and reports indicate that one militant detonated a suicide improvised explosive device (IED). Several other militants escaped the ambush, so continued LNA operations in the area are likely in the coming days.


Saturday's ambush comes after LNA troops intercepted and arrested a group of IS militants on Thursday, August 13, in Murzuq (Fezzan region), south of Sabha. IS is known to be present in Fezzan region, claiming an attack at Taraghin (Murzuq district) at the end of May. IS is believed to have a limited capability and this operation is likely to further impact their ability to conduct significant operations. Numerous reports continue to claim that foreign fighters with IS affiliation have entered the country, supporting both the Government of National Accord (GNA) and LNA, however, there is nothing to indicate that this has enhanced the group's capability in the south at this time.


Those in the area are advised to monitor developments to the situation, and adhere to any directives issued by local authorities.

The security environment in Libya remains complex. Although travel is possible in some areas (with appropriate security protocols in place), other areas should be considered strictly off-limits. Professional security advice and support should be sought prior to travel.