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30 Dec 2020 | 08:05 PM UTC

Iceland: COVID-related restrictions on international travel, domestic business and activities likely to remain in effect through at least Feb. 1 /update 7

Iceland likely to keep coronavirus travel and business restrictions in effect through at least Feb. 1. Expect disruptions.



Restrictions on international travel, domestic business, and other activities will likely remain in force in Iceland through at least the end of January as part of the nation's efforts to curb the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

With regard to international travel, under most circumstances, travelers from EU and Schengen Area states, as well as those from Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand, can enter Iceland. Most travelers from other locations remain prohibited from entering with some exceptions, such as freight and transport workers, immediate family members of Icelandic residents, diplomats, students, individuals conducting necessary work, and persons traveling for urgent family reasons. All permitted arrivals are required to fill out a preregistration form before departing for Iceland and can choose to either self-isolate for 14 days or submit to two COVID-19 tests - one taken on arrival and a second taken five days thereafter - while remaining in self-isolation for the intervening period. These measures are in effect until Feb. 1, 2021.

Starting Jan. 1, travelers from UK will not be permitted to enter Iceland for non-essential purposes due to the end of the transitional Brexit period, which will make UK travelers non-exempt from Iceland's entry restrictions.

Domestic Restrictions
Authorities are maintaining some domestic COVID-19 restrictions as of Dec. 30. The permitted size of gatherings is generally 10 persons, though certain assemblies such as those at schools, universities, and for funerals may have slightly more attendees. All sports events, excluding those for people born in 2004 or earlier, and performing arts are canceled. Additional nonessential businesses, including bars, hairdressers, and beauty salons, are also closed. Restaurants are permitted to remain open for indoor service until 2200. Businesses that remain open must adhere to strict hygiene and social distancing measures. Facemasks must be worn where social distancing of 2 meters (6.5 feet) cannot be observed.

Officials could further tighten restrictions at short notice if infection rates continue rising.


Follow all official instructions. Carry proper identification documents to present at security checks. Heed all official advisories and remain nonconfrontational if stopped by authorities. Consider delaying travel if experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19. Liaise with trusted contacts for further updates and guidance. Maintain contact with your diplomatic representation. Ensure contingency plans account for further disruptive measures or extensions of current restrictions.

Emphasize basic health precautions, especially frequent handwashing with soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are unavailable. Practice good coughing/sneezing etiquette (i.e., covering coughs and sneezes with a disposable tissue, maintaining distance from others, and washing hands). There is no evidence that the influenza vaccine, antibiotics, or antiviral medications will prevent this disease, highlighting the importance of diligent basic health precautions.


Iceland COVID-19 Website

List of Travelers Allowed Entry

Schengen Area countries