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26 May 2021 | 06:03 PM UTC

Germany: Pegida activists to rally at the Altmarkt in central Dresden starting 19:15 May 31

Pegida activists to rally in Dresden, Germany, from 19:15 May 31. Heightened security, disruptions, and counterdemonstrations likely.



Activists from the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (Pegida) will hold a rally in central Dresden May 31. Participants will gather at the Altmarkt from 19:15. Counterdemonstrations are possible.

Although previous Pegida rallies in Dresden have drawn large numbers of demonstrators and counterdemonstrators, officials have reported no major security incidents. Still, authorities will likely deploy significant numbers of police to keep rival activists apart. Security-related movement restrictions could cause localized transport disruptions. Low-level skirmishes are likely if opposing groups come into contact; police will be quick to contain any violence.


Exercise caution in the vicinity of the Altmarkt in Dresden May 31. Avoid all demonstrations as a routine security precaution and to mitigate related disruptions. Leave the area at the first sign of a confrontation. Allow extra time to reach destinations near rally venues.